After changing the Web Client directory, message VantageContextLoader:68 Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Database '/usr/lpp1/Vantagegmi/xxx/webclientdb/DefinitionDb' not found.) is generated during VANWEBUI startup.
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After changing the Web Client directory, message VantageContextLoader:68 Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Database '/usr/lpp1/Vantagegmi/xxx/webclientdb/DefinitionDb' not found.) is generated during VANWEBUI startup.


Article ID: 230246


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


When the main mount directory of the VANWEBUI task is changed (and the 3 zFS file systems thus mounted under this new directory), the WANWEBUI task generates messages such as the following during start up: 

Error XJ004: Database '/usr/lpp1/Vantagegmi/xxx/webclientdb/VantageDb' not found

08 Dec 2021 13:43:14,582 ERROR main VantageContextLoader:68 Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Database '/usr/lpp1/Vantagegmi/z0b/webclientdb/DefinitionDb' not found.)                                      
08 Dec 2021 13:43:14,633 ERROR main VantageInitServlet:63 WEB0001E - CA Web Client started with errors.

The original directory path being used before this change:   /usr/lpp1/Vantagegmi/xxx/webclientdb/  

The new directory path was changed to:                               /Hxxx/Vantage/mtcm/zzz/webclientdb 

What do I have to change in the Vantage Web UI to accept this new directory path? 


Release : 14.1

Component : CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager


Parameters in the 'VantageGMI.xml' file need to be updated to reflect the new mount path. 


When the main mount point for the Web Client is changed, the 'VantageGMI.xml' file will need to be changed.  This file can be found in a path, such as: 


Inside this file there will be 3 separate lines that need to be changed.  Each line has a directory path to the original path that was used in the initial Web Client installation.  Here are the 3 lines that need to be changed:  


Replace '<your_high_level_WebUI_path>' with the new path (the latter portion of this path will remain unchanged). 

You have to be careful to not introduce extra '/' characters, or omit any part of the path prefix ("jdbc:derby:"), etc. when making this change.  

Before these changes are made, the Web Client should be shut down, then restarted after the changes are made.