line command "A" (for Abstract) for HAR information area results in IEC036I 002-18
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line command "A" (for Abstract) for HAR information area results in IEC036I 002-18


Article ID: 230236


Updated On:


MICS Resource Management


After applying product change RMF7147, when using the MICS Workstation Facility (MWF):

    Option 1 - Documentation Access (DOC) 
    Option 2 - Data Element Browse

A list of information areas is presented.

If the line command "A" (for Abstract) is used for the HAR information area and the ENTER key is hit an ERROR screen is presented with Dialog Abend: 0002 in the upper right corner of the screen. 


If HAR is entered in the Area field: 

      Area  ===> HAR

And the ENTER key is hit, a list of the HAR information area files is presented.
If the Line Command "A" is entered next to any of the files, an ERROR screen is presented with Dialog Abend: 0002 in the upper right corner of the screen.  Normally, a list of all the HAR Information Area files with a brief description of each file is presented. 


Release : 14.3

Component : MICS


1) Using ISPF, Edit member sharedprefix.MICS.INC.TEXT(#INSHARA)
2) Scroll down to line #223.  Enter a single blank in column 1 and hit ENTER
3) Scroll down to line #236.  Enter a single blank in column 1 and hit ENTER
4) Save the the updated member. 

The HAR information Area files abstract can now be viewed with MWF Data Element Browse.

Product Change: RMF7160 - LU02397