Stop downloading Unwanted packages on the package servers
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Stop downloading Unwanted packages on the package servers


Article ID: 230230


Updated On:


Client Management Suite


After upgrading the Notification Server, it was noticed that some Package Servers were downloading all plugins onto all Package Servers while they were not needed.

For example, the HP or Solaris or Mac packages:

How can these be removed from the Package Servers?


ITMS 8.x


On your SMP Console, go to:

  • Console> Manage> All Resources> Defaults> All Resources> Packages
  • search for those packages >Right click > Actions> Edit Package 
  • Go to Package Server tab and change the "All Package Servers" option to the desired option

Additional Information

150333 Is there a way to see which packages have not been downloaded by package servers or to see package-to-package server information?

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