Need to know how to set up Web Services (AEWS) to use Oracle OCI driver to connect to Oracle
Release : 12
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) Web Services
1. Stop the AutoSys Workload Automation web server.
2. Configure the application to use the OCI JDBC driver as follows:
Open the following file:
(UNIX): $AUTOSYS/config/cmplapp/
(Windows): %AUTOSYS%\config\cmplapp\
Locate the following parameter:
Edit the parameter as follows:
Save and close the file.
3.(RESTful web services) Configure the application to use the 64-bit Oracle client libraries as follows:
Open the following file:
(UNIX) $AUTOUSER/webserver/conf/wrapper.conf
(Windows) %AUTOUSER%\webserver\conf\wrapper.conf
Locate the following parameter:
Edit the file to include an extra parameter as follows: 64-bit client library path
Ensure that 64-bit Oracle client is installed and that the client and the JDBC driver are the same version.
Save and close the file.
4.Add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to install_directory/webserver/bin/waae_webserver.$AUTOSERV file as shown below.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<Oracle 64-bit client library path>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Note: install_directory specifies the root directory where AutoSys Workload Automation is installed.
5.(Oracle 11g and above) Replace the JDBC driver file as follows:
(Unix) - "$AUTOSYS/lib and $AUTOUSER/webserver/webapps/AEWS/WEB-INF/lib" with the JDBC driver file from "$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib"
(Windows) - "%AUTOSYS%\lib and %AUTOUSER%\webserver\webapps\AEWS\WEB-INF\lib" with the JDBC driver file from "%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib"
The ojdbc jar is located in the Oracle home directory only if you use the full Oracle installer to install the database.
If you use the instant installer, the file is saved to the location that you specify when you unzip the Oracle installation files.
The Oracle 11 JDBC driver files are saved to the specified locations.
6.Start the AutoSys Workload Automation web server.
The JDBC driver is configured to use OCI and the Java components can connect to the database using TNS names that are stored in LDAP.