Is there a way in TPX to allow access to ALL sessions even if they are not defined in the ACT.
Release : 5.4
Component : TPX for z/OS
TPX has a pre-packaged profile (#DEFAULT) Note :This profile is not accessible for any update.
If the userid's are STATIC users, this profile can me assigned to static users.
Once this is assigned ALL applications defined in the ACT will be available on the TPX main menu.
If ALL applications on the LPAR are needed to display on the main menu then,
either add ALL applications to the ACT or create a new profile with ALL application on the LPAR
and assign that profile to the static users.
(The above is only valid for Static ID's and not Dynamically assigned userids. )
If an application is not defined to TPX in the ACT, then by default, TPX will force a Unique Type terminal to the assigned.
In that case make sure enough Unique type Virtual terminals are available in order to minimize any anomaly.