When performing a onward delivery transfer using the SFTP protocol of a file of 400 MB or greater caused the following messages in the Gateway Control Server(GCS).
[INFO ][com.ca.xcom.gateway.ftpsftp.importManager.FileOperations] Error occurred while exporting file 'filename' to the external server'ippname' requested by user XCOM
[ERROR][com.ca.xcom.gateway.daoservice.impl.GatewayTransferFileServiceImpl] Error occurred while exporting file to external server com.ca.xcom.logging.exception.SystemException: MSG31720
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Pipe closed
Cause type:
Root Cause: The error message indicates that the network connection was closed during the file transfer. One reason could be a network problem. For example, a short network outage can cause an ftp transfer to terminate as there is no automated error recovery. Problems like this are not a result of defects within the Automic software.
Release : 12.0
The problem was resolved by increasing the resources for the server running Gateway and XCOM. The server was updated to have 4 CPU cores and to 16 GB RAM.
Provided fix LU03237 for XCOM r11.6 SP03. The fix will allow transfer retries to occur when using the SFTP or FTP protocol via the Gateway.