Soft/Hard book access - able to book resources in a project with view access
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Soft/Hard book access - able to book resources in a project with view access


Article ID: 230109


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You have Soft or Hard book access and you are able to add resources in a project on which you only have view access. Is this expected behavior? if yes, can you restrict it?


Release : All



This would be by design if you have hard book access with project view rights.


The only option to restrict it then per the design behavior would be to make sure that you only have soft booking rights to the resource with only project view rights (and you are not the resource manager for the user).

If you just have soft book and project view access and you are able to add a resource:

  1. Check if you are the resource manager for the user, if yes, this is also by design since as a recource manager, you automatically have hard book rights to your resources.
  2. If that doesn't help, check the additional levels of access such as instance and OBS to see if you may have project edit rights or hard book rights at that level.
  3. If you have any group access rights, check the groups for any OBS or instance level rights as well

If you are able to book more resources than you should, check to ensure rights have been refreshed:

  1. Log out of Clarity
  2. Clear your browser cache
  3. Log back into Clarity and see if the issue is resolved. 

Additional Information

For details on the access right behavior for adding resources see Add / Book team members - access required