Patch installation failed with error code 87
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Patch installation failed with error code 87


Article ID: 230022


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


Installation of some UPM Patches could return an error with following message in output :

No prerequisites have been found for this patch.
Continuing execution....
[Executing...] cmd /C wusa.exe Win10-Server2016-KB5007192-x64-1607.msu /quiet /norestart /log:C:\Windows\TEMP\ipEvent.evtx
[Executing...] cmd /C WEVTUtil query-events C:\Windows\TEMP\ipEvent.evtx /lf:true /format:text /q:"*" > C:\Windows\TEMP\ipEventOutput.log
Patch installation failed with error code 87.
---------------- EVENT LOG INFORMATION ----------------


Client Automation - All Versions


This problem could occur if there is a file C:\Windows\TEMP\ipEvent.evtx.dpx on the machine with an invalid format.


Delete the file C:\Windows\TEMP\ipEvent.evtx.dpx

This could be done using an Asset Job.

1- In DSM Explorer go under Jobs/Asset Jobs.
Right click on Asset Jobs and select Job type="Command"
2- Click Next and put a Job Name (ex: Delete ipEvent.evtx.dpx)
3- Click Next and enter this in command text :
IF EXIST "%windir%\temp\ipEvent.evtx.dpx" del /F /Q "%windir%\temp\ipEvent.evtx.dpx"
4- Click Next and click on "Set Scheduling button"
Select "Run Only Once"
5- Click on Miscellaneous tab and make sure that option "This job is allowed to run unattended" is checked :
6- Click OK and Finish, the job should appear under My Asset Jobs folder
7- Go under Computers and Users/All Computers/{Group Details}/Jobs/Asset Jobs
and click on 'Link Existing Asset Job"
8- Select the job "Delete ipEvent.evtx.dpx" and click OK
This job is attached to all computers.
So the next time AM Agent is executed on the machines, the file %windir%\temp\ipEvent.evtx.dpx will be deleted