Symantec Directory: Upgrading Directory as 'root' user fails with permission denied error
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Symantec Directory: Upgrading Directory as 'root' user fails with permission denied error


Article ID: 229999


Updated On:


CA Directory


Even upgrading as 'root' user, Symantec Directory 14.1.xx may result into failure to upgrade with following error when you already have existing 'dsa' user defined on the system.

[root@ install]# ./ -i console

or one of its parent directories is not readable/executable
Trying /tmp/cadir_rnd#####

/root/downloads/Dir14.1.03/dxserver/install/dxprepare.shlib: line 117: /tmp/cadir_rnd#####/dxserver/install/passwdtool: Permission denied

mkdir: missing operand
Try 'mkdir --help' for more information.
cannot create home directory  for dsa

[root@ install]#


Release : 14.1

Component : CA Directory


Problem could be permissions related issue at Operating System level. Try granting 'dsa' user root privileges as it may not have access to /tmp folder location.


bash-4.2$ id
uid=1002(dsa) gid=1004(etrdir) groups=1004(etrdir)
bash-4.2$ sudo su  <-- to elevate to root user
[root@server home]# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
[root@server home]# <--- attempt to install and it should be successful.