We are upgrading from Vantage 14.0 to 14.1. Is there a procedure to do the conversion or use the same parmlib for 14.0? Also, what about the VANWEBUI?
Release : 14.1
Component : CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager
The upgrade process from Vantage 14.0 to 14.1, for the Vantage Host component and the Vantage Web Client, are documented here:
Upgrade by Performing a Full Installation of a New Version (Host component):
Concerning obtaining the 2 PAX files used in the upgrade process, these will appear on the Broadcom download page as:
CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager r14.1 0000
SMP/E JCL Package (this is the mainframe 'Host' part)
Vantage Mainframe Team Center - Management (MTC-M) r14.1 0000 (this is the Web Client part)
So for the Web Client, you won't find 'WebClientInstaller.pax.Z' as in prior versions of the PAX file, but rather 'DVDVANTMTCMREV1410.pax.Z' instead.