How do I upgrade Vantage 14.0 to 14.1?
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How do I upgrade Vantage 14.0 to 14.1?


Article ID: 229917


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


We are upgrading from Vantage 14.0 to 14.1.  Is there a procedure to do the conversion or use the same parmlib for 14.0?  Also, what about the VANWEBUI?


The upgrade process from Vantage 14.0 to 14.1, for the Vantage Host component and the Vantage Web Client, are documented here: 

Upgrade by Performing a Full Installation of a New Version (Host component):


Upgrade Vantage StoragePointâ„¢ Web Client:

Additional Information

Concerning obtaining the 2 PAX files used in the upgrade process, these will appear on the Broadcom support download page as: 

CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager r14.1 0000
SMP/E JCL Package (this is the mainframe 'Host' part)


Vantage StoragePointâ„¢ Web Client r14.1.4 (this is the Web Client part)