What does the following message within the Gen Transaction Enabler Funnel aefuf log file mean and how can it be resolved?
'aefuf: no available APPL pgm structure'
Example logging snippet:
10:00:00.141715==>rcvpgm: FUNN: UF fd = 4, Sock = 2, abcd11, sock04, Connection reset by peer
10:00:00.141720==>myclose: USER: UF fd = 3, Sock = 1,
10:00:00.141760==>myclose: end
10:00:00.141780==>aefuf: Trying to connect to <(example.com) []:2009>
10:00:00.142265==>aefuf: Connected to <(example.com) []:2009>
10:00:00.142280==>aefuf: no available APPL pgm structure
10:00:00.142285==>Slots used: 0
Gen Transaction Enabler
The AEFUF log message 'aefuf: no available APPL pgm structure' indicates that the Transaction Enabler Funnel AEFUF has lost its connection to the Transaction Enabler Daemon AEFAD, and the AEFUF should be restarted.
Reference section 'Starting the AEFUF' on the Gen 8.6 documentation page: Gen™ 8.6 > Middleware > Transaction Enabler > AEF User Funnel