We are running CA 7 and to trying perform the RETIX function on an AREA in the CA 7 database.
Running a CLOSE and RETIX against an AREA with MULTUSE=YES the job terminates with the following :
The DBUTLTY manual states the following :
"Specifying MULTUSE=YES allows a single area in a database to have its index rebuilt,
with no loss of read and update access to other areas in the database"
Release : All
Component : Datacom/AD
CA 7
With MULTUSE=YES, the other areas in the database can be updated while the RETIX runs but the area being RETIXed cannot have a URT open.
The error occurs because CA 7 has a URT open for a table in the area being closed. CA 7 needs to have all the areas open to function.
The RETIX documentation states:
Environmental Requirements when MULTUSE=YES.
The database may or may not be open for update in the connected MUF.
The database may not be open for update in another MUF or Single User job.
The database may not have any table in unloading status.
The database ACCESS must be set OPTIMIZE and WRITE/UTLTY.
The area ACCESS must be set WRITE/UTLTY.
The area may have no table in an open User Requirements Table.
The area may not have any other MULTUSE=YES utility executing.
The area must be closed.
When MULTUSE=YES, this function will not be allowed against a Data Sharing MUF if more than one is executing.
Specifying MULTUSE=YES allows a single area in a database to have its index rebuilt, with no loss of read and update access to other areas in the database. When MULTUSE=YES, the function executes in a new format that is a combination of MUF and Single User modes. The database involved must be able to be opened for update in the MUF address space. The area must have no tables open. If the database is currently open, Datacom/DB closes this area with the area close (you would need to close the area yourself only if the database is open and you need the MUF to close it, so that any type of open data set lock can be released, which could be necessary in order to scratch and reallocate the data set). Once started, the function does not allow other tasks to open any tables in the area being processed. Other tables in the involved database, but not in the area, may be open for read or update in the same MUF.
Stop CA 7 before running the CLOSE and RETIX.
If CA 7 is already down, add the following before the CLOSE:
If the area is open it will show you what job has the area open.
See the Datacom documentation section Return Code 94 and Rebuilding an Index Area