Symantec VIP SDK app upload to AppStore fails due to an architecture related error in the VIPiOS.framework for ARM64 or x86_64
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Symantec VIP SDK app upload to AppStore fails due to an architecture related error in the VIPiOS.framework for ARM64 or x86_64


Article ID: 229840


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VIP Service


Error: Unsupported Architectures. The executables for VIPiOS.framework contains unsupported architectures (arm64 or x86_64).


All frameworks VIP ships are universal with architecture slices for both physical devices (arm_v7 & arm64) and simulators (x86_64). This allows applications to be run on the platforms while in development and testing. Before archiving for upload to the Appstore, remove the slice for the simulator. A shell script (or something similar) can accomplish this. Attached is a sample script for reference only ( 

Attachments get_app