Our Gen application is using client/server connectivity via Client Manager to Gen CICS Multi Sockets Server Listener (TISRVMSL/TIML) and we are currently also trying to setup TLS for our connections.
In our higher environments UAT/Prod we wanted to introduce a new Port for the TLS and retain our current non TLS TCPIP port as backup, both of which to connect to the same CICS region (our existing non-TLS port is already setup with TIML as the listener transaction id)
When discussing the new port with our CICS Infrastructure support, they were saying that it's one port per listener, which means that for the new port, they are expecting us to provide a new listener transaction id other than TIML (which is already used by the existing port)
Can a different listener transaction id other than TIML be used and is using parallel multiple ports applicable?
Release : 8.6
More than one TISRVMSL listener in the region can be used as long as each has a separate port number.
The transaction identifier can be something other than TIML but the same name must be used in the EZACONFG file and in the CICS definition.
Please refer to the below community site and the "CICS Multi Socket Server Listener.pdf" at the bottom of the page: TISRVLIS versus TISRVMSL: pros and cons, comments requested
Similar information is also in the Gen 8.6 documentation on the Customize Middleware page:
See section "Customize for TCP/IP" > "CICS" > "CICS Multi Sockets Server"
"* This transaction identifier can be something other than TIML. The EZACONFG file and the CICS definition must use the same name. Add a GROUP of your choice."