How do I determine what to configure with message MFA00598?
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How do I determine what to configure with message MFA00598?


Article ID: 229761


Updated On:


Advanced Authentication Mainframe


During an authentication attempt, we received message 'MFA00598 Server not available'. How do we validate the server was configured correctly?


To determine if the problem is due to improper configuration you will need to check the Global Factor Records for the server type in use:

  • If <servertype> is CA-PAM
    • validate that the Add Global Factor Records for Symantec Privileged Access Manager instructions were performed correctly.
    • Execute the MAABUPIV job with the GET statement as described in the Display Global Factor Record Data section to validate that the Global Factor Record Data was added with correct information.
  • If <servertype> is RADIUS
    • validate that the Add Global Factor Records for RADIUS instructions were performed correctly. 
    • Execute the appropriate job based MAABURAD, MAABRRD or MAABRD2 job with the GET statement as described in the Display Global Factor Record Data section to validate that the Global Factor Record Data was added with correct information.
  • If <servertype> is RSA
    • validate that the Configure RSA Securid Authentication Support instructions were followed.  

If the problem was due to misconfiguration, after correcting the configuration enter the appropriate command:

  • If <servertype> is CA-PAM issue the F aamstc,APPL=PAMFACTOR command
  • If <servertype> is RADIUS issues the F aamstc,APPL=RADFACTOR command
  • If <servertype> is RSA then stop and restart the Advanced Authentication Mainframe started task.

If the server is correctly configured contact the server administrator to validate that it is available and responding to requests.