Time Control Management is setting jobs to Forced completed after 1 second.
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Time Control Management is setting jobs to Forced completed after 1 second.


Article ID: 229686


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Jobs are using Time Control Management > Monitor excessively long Event Wait or Pending status with options: Absolute duration and Set Uproc Completed.

In rare cases the feature doesn't work and the duration is set to only 1 second after the start time.

The Uproc is aborted and set to Complete. This is the History Trace:

20211124210212  Start Launch without condition check
                   Processing Date 20211124
20211124210211 max. before running control duration: setting limit date/hour to 20211124210212
20211124210212  Submitted in BATCH Q: SYS_BATCH
                  under ENTRY N°  : 185327
24-11-2021 21:02:12 Job cancelled
20211124210212 max. before running control duration:triggering force completion
VAR : 
20211124210213  BATCH ending

20211124210213  Start Completion Instructions
20211124210213  *** NORMAL TASK COMPLETION ***
 *** Uproc waiting to run in queue ***

This can be detected because a file unibatchenv_X<Uproc#>.bat (e.g. unibatchenv_X8903805.bat) remains in the temp folder.


Release : 6.8

Component :


This is a bug


Issue can be reproduced in v6.8.24 but cannot be reproduced in v6.10.91. Please upgrade