UIM - Understanding the clear alarm logic in snmptd probe
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UIM - Understanding the clear alarm logic in snmptd probe


Article ID: 229555


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Have MIB files which have 2 OID's: 

According to the previous image, the first one does the clear action after the second OID executes a critical alarm. 

How these traps correlate to each other 

Checked the advance tab in the profile window, there is no suppression logic .So how does this work




Release : 20.1 /20.3.x

Component : UIM - SNMPTD


With snmptd probe say OID A is sending alarm and OID B is sending sending clear alarm both these will be correlated only if the alarm suppression key is same in both these profiles 


1. Open the snmptd probe GUI and select two profiles - one configured with Minor severity and the other with clear.

2. Open the one configured with Minor severity and in advanced tab give a suppression key 'CISCO-LWAPP'

3. Now for the clear profile configuration, open the advanced tab and give the same suppression key 'CISCO-LWAPP'. 

4.The nas probe is the one correlating the suppression keys send in the alarms by the snmptd probe 

5.The snmptd probe just send the alarms .The nas is the one who will correlate the alarm and clear severity based on the matching alarm suppression key in the two profiles 


Additional Information

KB:Grouping of snmptd alarms using a suppression key