Questions for FTP_JOB on ESP Workload Automation
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Questions for FTP_JOB on ESP Workload Automation


Article ID: 229541


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ESP Workload Automation


1-  Where the ftp_job return code is documented? 

2- Assuming cmpc(1) is a general failure code, how to get the error description?

3- How to setup return code processing on FTP_JOB? Can CCCHK or EXITCODE be used? Note: We are currently using NOTIFY FAILURE to monitor the failure.


Release : 11.4 & 12.0

Component : Workload Automation System Agent


#1 The FTP returned codes are NOT from the agent or ESP. It's from the FTP server. So you will need to check the FTP server document.

#2 As answer on #1, you can check the FTP server manual for possible reasons. And normally the error description should show on the Status field. Like below:
   Job Name Job Q ApplName Gen# P Node   Job Status         
__ MYTEST         FTPJOB2     1        FAIL        Logon unsuccessful 

You may also issue WSF to retrieve the spool output of the FTP_JOB. As you may know, the WOBSF command can be issued to get the same information,

#3 Neither CCCHK nor EXITCODE can be used for FTP_JOB. NOTIFY FAILURE is the only way to set up automated actions.