Questions for FTP_JOB on ESP Workload Automation
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Questions for FTP_JOB on ESP Workload Automation


Article ID: 229541


Updated On: 09-25-2024


ESP Workload Automation


  1. Where the ftp_job return code is documented? 
  2. Assuming cmpc(1) is a general failure code, how to get the error description?
  3. How to setup return code processing on FTP_JOB? Can CCCHK or EXITCODE be used?

Note: We are currently using NOTIFY FAILURE to monitor the failure.


Release : ALL

Component : Workload Automation System Agent


  1. The FTP returned codes are NOT from the agent or ESP. It's from the FTP server. So you will need to check the FTP server document.
  2. As answer on #1, you can check the FTP server manual for possible reasons. And normally the error description should show on the Status field. Like below:
       Job Name Job Q ApplName Gen# P Node   Job Status         
    __ MYTEST         FTPJOB2     1        FAIL        Logon unsuccessful 
  3. You may also issue WSF to retrieve the spool output of the FTP_JOB. The WOBSF command can be issued to get the same information,
  4. Neither CCCHK nor EXITCODE can be used for FTP_JOB. NOTIFY FAILURE is the only way to set up automated actions.