When in OPSVIEW ISPF Interface, pressing option 7.6 to restore Global Variables, it can occur to get the following error:
while it is possible to back up SYSCHK1 file using PROC "OPSSGVBK" and also to restore the RDF Tables and the Global Variables using PROC "OPSSGVRS" without any problem.
How to fix this problem.
Release : All
Component : OPS/MVS
The most frequent cause of this error is that the CCLXEXEC library containing the OPSMVS Rexx (and also Rexx OP762000) that is concatenated to the //SYSEXEC DD when in OPSVIEW, is allocated as VB instead of FB
This VB format of the CCLXEXEC is not supported by OPSMVS code and it could create unpredictable results , like the one reported here.
The CCLXEXEC should be allocated as a LIBRARY FB-80-32720, according to the installation directions provided.