The inventory data is not getting published into DOI. The following error message is in the apm_bridge.log file:
INFO [ForkJoinPool-12-worker-1, apm_bridge] Ending APM Inventory Update for profile 0 / took 464412 ms to process
INFO [APMInventoryService RUNNING, apm_bridge] Running APM Inventory Update
INFO [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] reduceToCsIdGroupsMapFinal: getAllGroups: Inventory contains 11 groups
INFO [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] Total Devices Fetches 6
INFO [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] Total Devices6
INFO [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] Total Groups11
INFO [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] Inventory sent to APM for profile 0 : CS vertices: 17 / CI vertices: 0 and edges: 0
ERROR [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] Could not retrieve hosting edges from TAS. profile id: 0, host: https://<apmgtwFQDN>
ERROR [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] Could not determine UIM or TAS devices to forward for profile 0 with origin <primaryhubname>. Exception: https
ERROR [ForkJoinPool-14-worker-1, apm_bridge] https
at Method)
In the apm_bridge configuration http is used for the UIM hosts and https for the <apmgtwFQDN> host.
origin = <UIM host>
edgeTtlInSec = 2592000
token =
use_ssl = true
port = 443
host = https://<apmgtwFQDN>
operatorConsoleHost = http://<OCHost>
adminConsoleHost = http://<PrimaryHubHost>
vertexTtlInSec = 2592000
use_ssl = true
path = /apm/appmap/private/metricFeed/write
host = https://<apmgtwFQDN>
Hosts do not need the "https://" to be identified. Only the FQDN is needed for configuration.