Web UI displaying incorrect status of jobs
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Web UI displaying incorrect status of jobs


Article ID: 229414


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


We have users reporting that the Web UI is showing inconsistent status' for some of their jobs.

I have managed to recreate the issue and can see several jobs with a stale status in certain fields of the Web UI.

Users can see jobs in a running state in the tree view, Jobs and Alerts and Flow view but when checking the details of the job in Quick View the jobs have actually completed. Some of these jobs have not refreshed for over 18 hours now.



Release : 12.0



The encountered problem was related to port 7004 which was not opened when our client migrated to the new servers.

Resolved by opening port 7004 as required.

Please find below the process of updating the job status as requested:

1) When the Web UI server starts up, the collector load the job statuses from database and put it in its local cache.

2) When the jobs are collected from AutoSys (at a time only one collector will collect the job statuses), it will update the job statuses DB, update in its own local cache and it sends the latest job statuses to the other Web UI server to update its cache.

3) When the communication is fails between two servers, the collected data in one collector is not able to send job statuses to other Web UI server, we can't see the latest job status in another Web UI server and vice versa.

