uniupgrade -check errors regarding tasks and other areas
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uniupgrade -check errors regarding tasks and other areas


Article ID: 229358


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CA Automic Dollar Universe


There are two issues about "uniupgrade -check" when trying to check if a version 5 node can be upgraded to version 6:

a) When we specify the area that we want to check, this is not taken into account.

b) The Template Tasks having a Template Task name pointing to a non existing Management Unit throw an error as if they could not  be upgraded


uniupgrade -check -generate -company COMPANY -area X -node NODE -mshost UVMS_NODE -msport 4184 -login admin -pwd xxx -user univa

The related uniupgrade_check_nodename_company.log will contain lines about areas other than X, like S, A or I:

| ERROR | OBJECT | S | Task 'TSK(AFR)(000)' has undefined submission account  
| ERROR | OBJECT | S | Task 'TSK(AFR)(000)' has undefined mu 'V'


Release : 6.x

Component : du_upgrade_toolkit

Command affected: uniupgrade 


Known issue about du_upgrade_toolkit which is no longer maintained since version 6.10.21



  1. Fix or Delete the Tasks in version 5.x node pointing to a missing Submission Account or Management Unit.
  2. Ignore the errors related to Areas of the node being Started but not wanting to upgrade to version 6.


For 1, same as workaround above

For 2, if you want to upgrade only the objects from area X of the node, Update the Node declaration in UVMS and untick the Areas (S,I,A) that are not required to be checked or upgraded as below: