There are two issues about "uniupgrade -check" when trying to check if a version 5 node can be upgraded to version 6:
a) When we specify the area that we want to check, this is not taken into account.
b) The Template Tasks having a Template Task name pointing to a non existing Management Unit throw an error as if they could not be upgraded
uniupgrade -check -generate -company COMPANY -area X -node NODE -mshost UVMS_NODE -msport 4184 -login admin -pwd xxx -user univa
The related uniupgrade_check_nodename_company.log will contain lines about areas other than X, like S, A or I:
| ERROR | OBJECT | S | Task 'TSK(AFR)(000)' has undefined submission account
| ERROR | OBJECT | S | Task 'TSK(AFR)(000)' has undefined mu 'V'
Release : 6.x
Component : du_upgrade_toolkit
Command affected: uniupgrade
Known issue about du_upgrade_toolkit which is no longer maintained since version 6.10.21
For 1, same as workaround above
For 2, if you want to upgrade only the objects from area X of the node, Update the Node declaration in UVMS and untick the Areas (S,I,A) that are not required to be checked or upgraded as below: