Disclaimer: This will remove/drop all custom content such as custom reports, domains etc., also report schedules and report exports in PDF/XLS etc. Some data may be lost. Ensure you backup and export to a zip file all the content that you need. Must be tried on a lower environment first
- Connect to Jaspersoft console with superuser
- Go to Organizations - select and delete the organization
- If you have an issue use the solution below: Cannot delete organization from Jaspersoft 7.8
- Run the command on your Clarity database, this will remove the line that Jaspersoft content is installed:
delete from cmn_install_history where install_id='contentPack::csk::jaspersoft'
and base_release = '16.0.0' -----ensure you add the base release for your current Jaspersoft version, i.e. 15.9.3, 16.0.1
- Now connect to the Clarity server in a command prompt and run the query:
admin content-jaspersoft csk -userName superuser -password <password>
This will install the default OOTB content from jaspersoft_csk.zip on the server
- Once done, restart Jaspersoft
- Run the jobs
- Load Data Warehouse - Full
- Load Data Warehouse - Access rights
- Create and Update JS Users rights
- Jaspersoft Role Synchronization(if in use)