Need assistance acquiring the latest EULA for or Service Operation Insight (SOI) pertaining to the use of third Party app: Java
You are in the midst of assessing Java in your environment.
We have been using AdoptOpenJDK since the SO09444 patch version.
Please find a snippet below which is part of the Third Party License agreement acceptance if you are going to apply SOI patches.
The AdoptOpenJDK content "GPL+" is open source software that is used with this CA software program (the CA Product). The GPL+ Content is not owned by CA, Inc. (CA). Use, copying, distribution and modification of the GPL+ Content are governed by the GNU General Public License version 2 + the Classpath Exception (the GPL+). A copy of the GPL+ license can be found in the same directory where the Third Party Product is located. Additionally, a copy of the GPL+ license can be obtained by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. Broadcom may make the source code for the GPL+ Content available at, and may include a copy of the source code on the same media as the executable code. Use of the CA Product is governed solely by the CA end user license agreement (EULA), not by the GPL+ license. You cannot use, copy, modify or redistribute any CA Product code except as may be expressly set forth in the EULA. The GPL+ Content is provided AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further details of the disclaimer of warranty with respect to the GPL+ Content can be found in the GPL+ license itself. To the full extent permitted under applicable law, CA disclaims all warranties and liability arising from or related to any use of the GPL+ Content.