Can SSM LOAD to load a task to SSM be executed via REXX.
For the SSM entry update/insert with OPS/MVS and Rexx, use the ADDRESS SQL..
There is some documentation on this..
It gives the INSERT statements and other actions that can be take..
To VERIFY and LOAD the policy into the SSM tables, use this Rexx code:
gblpoltbl = 'SSM_PROD_POL' /* active policy table */
Address SQL
"Select managed_table into ssmtbl from" statetbl
Do t = 1 to ssmtbl.0
"Select name into resname from "ssmtbl.t
/* Unload any resource in ssm table that is not in the active policy */
Do i = 1 to resname.0
"Select name from "gblpoltbl" Where name = '"resname.i"'" ,
"And ssmtable = '"ssmtbl.t"'"
If sqlcode = 100 Then Do /* unload it */
call SSMRESUL(gblpoltbl resname.i ssmtbl.t 0)
parse var result lrc lmsg
say 'rc =' lrc lmsg
End /*then*/
End /*do i*/
End /*do t*/
/* load resources in new policy */
"Select name ssmtable from "gblpoltbl
If sqlcode = 0 Then
Do i = 1 to name.0
call SSMRESEX(gblpoltbl name.i ssmtable.i X 0 inall)
parse var result lrc lmsg
say 'rc =' lrc lmsg
End /*do*/
Say 'no resources found in policy:' gblpoltbl