Not able to add task in in MUX after upgrade to 16.0.0
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Not able to add task in in MUX after upgrade to 16.0.0


Article ID: 229168


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


After the upgrade to Clarity 16.0 users are unable to add a Task to a Project in the modern UX (MUX) using the + to add a row. Clicking on the + symbol doesn't do anything.


Clarity SaaS 16.0.0


This issue is addressed in Clarity 16.0.1

Find out what the first field of the view is.

If the first column in the grid view is a boolean value, e.g 'Milestone' or 'Open For Time Entry', the task entry cell will not display if the '+' button is clicked.

Workaround: Move the boolean column so it is not the first column.