Customer has forgotten admin password and enable password in its Management Center
Management Center: 3.3.x
Physical and virtual appliance (MC-VA)
Connect via serial console on physical appliance or if it's a VM open the Hypervisor's management console.
On Hypervisor, please go to the Management Center VM deployed and open the console view of the machine. Then go through the Setup wizard:
After opening the console view, please tap 3x times ENTER key. If Menu request a serial console password, please type it in to continue changes. Menu should appear
PLEASE NOTE: If you've set console password requirement in the past and lost it, then you cannot perform any of the changes without restoring the MC to factory defaults, since you will be not able to see the console menu.
If you don’t have admin account password and privileged enable password, you’ll need to reconfigure the Management Center by selecting option 2
Select the 2) Setup console
Hit any key to start configuration and follow the initial setup config:
Go back to the initial menu
Select the 1) Command line interface & type:
After these steps you have created: