Upgrade from Gen 7.6 z/OS IT to 8.6.
One of the changes between these versions was the distinction by the z/OS IT to deploy built LMs into segregated load libraries being for online & batch. In prior releases, all generated code from a model was deployed into a single load library.
In 8.6:
Generated online load modules are being correctly deployed to the "Exe Load Lib" dataset.
However, generated batch load modules are also being deployed into "Exe Load Lib" instead of the "Batch Exec Lib" dataset.
Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen MVS Implementation Tool
What is being reported is working as designed.
Gen has never placed Batch Manager Load Modules in the IT Batch Exec Lib dataset i.e. it has always placed these in the Exe Load Lib dataset used for online modules.
The Batch Exec Lib was introduced in Gen r8 and is used for the batch version of dynamic action blocks and zLibs.
Per the Gen r8 Release Notes (accessible from Legacy Bookshelves and PDFs > Bookshelves and PDFs > Bookshelves and PDFs > CA Gen):
Batch Library for Dynamic RI and z/OS Library Batch Processing (Introduced With Interim Enhancement 1)
This feature provides the ability to link the Dynamic RI DLL and the zLib DLL for batch processing. This feature has been extended to support batch processing for existing dynamic common action blocks. Previously, common action blocks were prepared for batch, only when installed through a batch load module. With this feature, common action blocks can be linked for online and batch during the same installation process.
Customers who want to use this feature and prepare batch versions of dynamic RI DLL, zlib DLL, and dynamic common action blocks will need to specify RI or dynamic AB batch load library names in the model or in the Target Location datasets on the z/OS IT.
In addition, the Host Encyclopedia has no equivalent dataset for Batch Manager Load Modules, and has a dataset called "Exec batch dynam AB library" for the dynamic action blocks: Host Encyclopedia Construction > Construction Libraries in HE > Internal Libraries
Therefore, in summary, it was never intended for Batch Load modules to be placed in the Batch Exec Lib.
The relevant z/OS IT documentation pages will be updated in the near future to clarify the meaning of the "Batch Exec" & "Batch Bndctl" data sets and token names i.e.
z/OS Implementation Toolset > Define the Target Configuration (Batch Exec Lib/Batch Bndctl)
z/OS Implementation Toolset > Customizing Scripts and User Exits (Batch_exec_lib/Batch_bndctl)
If separation of online & batch load modules into different data sets is required please consider adding a new Idea on the Broadcom Ideas Community so others can vote on it: https://community.broadcom.com/ideation/allideas