What are the exact steps to install the SCM Agent on a Redhat Linux computer?
CA Harvest SCM v13.x, v14.x, Redhat Linux
This example assumes a new Redhat Linux (or Oracle Linux). The SCM install files will be pulled from the ISO disk image and will be copied to a temporary folder “/tmp/scm” from which the installation files will be staged.
Perform the first part of this installation while logged in as the “root” user.
1. Do a yum update and install prerequisite packages
yum update -y
yum install -y pam.*
yum install -y libstdc++.*
yum install -y libstdc++-devel.*
yum install -y ncurses.*
yum install -y ncurses-libs.*
yum install -y ncurses-devel.*
2. Mount the DVD image and copy the server install files to a temp folder.
mkdir /tmp/scm
cd /run/media/<userid>/<Installation DVD root folder name>/client/linux_x86_64/
cp *.gz /tmp/scm
3. Create the “cascm” user and group (or substitute your preferred "owner" userid for SCM instead of "cascm")
umask 0022
groupadd cascm
useradd -g cascm cascm
passwd cascm
4. Create a script that sets the environment variables and hook that into the “.bash_profile”. Check carefully the folder names listed in the example and change any of them to your preferred installation locations.
# Copy all lines from "cat >" to "EOF" and paste as one block.
cat > /home/cascm/set_env.sh <<EOF
export CASHCOMP=/opt/CA/SharedComponents
export CABIN=\$CASHCOMP/bin
export CALIB=\$CASHCOMP/lib
export PATH=\$CABIN:\$PATH
export RTHOME=/opt/CA/pec
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$RTHOME/lib/i86_64_linux24:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CA_SCM_HOME=/opt/CA/scm
export PATH=\$CA_SCM_HOME/bin:\$PATH
# -------------------------------------
# Change ownership and execute permissions for the setenv.sh script.
# Again, if your preferred "owner" userid is not "cascm" make the needed adjustments.
chown cascm:cascm /home/cascm/set_env.sh
chmod a+x /home/cascm/set_env.sh
# Add a line to the end of the "owner" userid's .bash_profile to execute the set_env.sh script.
# Again, if your preferred "owner" userid is not "cascm" make the needed adjustments.
# Copy all lines from "cat >>" to "EOF" and paste as one block.
cat >> /home/cascm/.bash_profile <<EOF
. /home/cascm/set_env.sh
# -------------------------------------
5. Create the directories we'll need for installation and set ownership and permissions. Check carefully the folder names listed in the example and change any of them to your preferred installation locations.
mkdir -p /opt/CA/scm /opt/CA/pec /opt/CA/SharedComponents/lib /opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin
chown -R cascm:cascm /opt/CA/scm /opt/CA/pec /opt/CA/SharedComponents /tmp/scm
chmod -R 755 /opt/CA/scm /opt/CA/pec /opt/CA/SharedComponents /tmp/scm
6. *** For RHEL 8.x and SCM v14.0.x only *** Add a symbolic link from libncurses.so.6 to libncurses.so.5 for each occurrence of “libncurses.so.6”. For SCM v14.5 please skip this step.
# Locate all copies of “libncurses.so.6”
find / -name "libncurses.so.6"
# Then, for each copy of “libncurses.so.6” that was found, cd to the folder it is in and execute
ln -s libncurses.so.6 libncurses.so.5
7. Install CAPKI. Check carefully the folder names listed in the example and change any of them to your preferred installation locations.
export CASHCOMP=/opt/CA/SharedComponents
export CABIN=$CASHCOMP/bin
export CALIB=$CASHCOMP/lib
cd /tmp/scm/
mkdir etpki
mv etpki.tar.gz etpki
cd etpki/
gunzip etpki.tar.gz
tar xvf etpki.tar
cd etpki_linux/
./setup install caller=SCMAGENT verbose env=all
Perform the rest of this installation as the “cascm” user
8. Switch to the “cascm” user (or your preferred "owner" userid for SCM)
su - cascm
umask 0022
9. Install PEC. Check carefully the folder names listed in the example and change any of them to your preferred installation locations.
cd /tmp/scm/
mkdir pec
mv pec*.tar.gz pec
cd pec/
gunzip pec*.tar.gz
tar xvf pec*.tar
# This next step fixes a glitch in the INSTALL.SH so that it runs under c-shell instead of korn shell.
sed -i 's/ksh/sh/g' INSTALL.SH
./INSTALL.SH configure_rtserver=false
10. Move the SCM agent installation tar file to “/opt/CA/scm”, unzip and install. Check carefully the folder names listed in the example and change any of them to your preferred installation locations.
cd /tmp/scm/
mv agentonly.tar.gz /opt/CA/scm
cd /opt/CA/scm
gunzip agentonly.tar.gz
tar xvf agentonly.tar
cd install/