Windows 10 21H1 undeployable on TDAD 3.6.2 standalone
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Windows 10 21H1 undeployable on TDAD 3.6.2 standalone


Article ID: 229087


Updated On: 02-28-2024


Endpoint Threat Defense for Active Directory


You are trying to deploy TDAD to Windows 10 21H1 or newer OS but TDAD shows the same is "undeployable"


TDAD 3.6.2 standalone

TDAD 3.6.2 integrated


  • Locate the Web.config file, which is located here "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Endpoint Threat Defense for AD\dm_pub\Web.config"
  • Open the file as administrator 
  • Locate the following line "</appSettings>"
  • Right above it, change the following line:

      <add key="WIN10NetDeploySupportedBuildVer" value="19045" />  

  • Save and close the Web.Config file.
  • Log in to the TDAD Web Console, go to "Analytics > Services and Components > Components > Active Directory Topology > Re-Run"
  • The correct filter will now apply, allowing deployment

Note: For the latest Windows 10 builds it is necessary to also update the OSConfig.dat per The mask is not displayed with TDAD on-premises and Windows 10 22H2 (