Enabling Endevor Quickedit Extensions
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Enabling Endevor Quickedit Extensions


Article ID: 229064


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How can the Quickedit Extensions be enabled? 


All supported releases




To enable the Quick Edit Extensions that are delivered with Endevor 18.1 - 

Uncomment the option: CD18102_QE_USER_ROUTINES=ON in the ENCOPTBL (Endevor Options table), then reassemble and relink the table.

Then go into Endevor Quick Edit, select option D Dialog Defaults. Then set Hide User Routine Prompt Text. N


This will show the sample commands when in an Element selection list.  The element selection list will now look like this: 


After the above is completed, the extension points are enabled and will be used the defaults that delivered.  The user routine commands that will be available are:

                             User Routines: AL D DN DO DP DU SU T UD UX 

The command UD will be the one that updates the User Data. Here is an example of how it would work: 

Type UD next to the element you want to add User data: 

Then hit enter and see the pop-up: 


Below is a list of extensions supplied with Endevor 18.1, the command and short explanation -    

NDUSRXAL - AL - Display/Update Element Meta-data (CCID, Description, etc.)

NDUSRXD* - D   - DiffTool - Compare any two elements  

NDUSRXD - D  - On its own, selects an element or version to compare. When two elements have been selected, compare is invoked.              

NDUSRXDN - DN - Use DN to select the "NEW" version to compare.                         

NDUSRXDO - DO - Use DO to select the "OLD" version.                                    

NDUSRXDU - DU - Compare this element with the next version of the element Up the map.  

NDUSRXDP - DP - Compare this element with the Production (top of the map) version.                          

NDUSRSU - SU - Submit - Submit this element for batch processing          

NDUSRXT - T - Transfer - Build Batch Transfer SCL for Element            

NDUSRXUD - UD - Display/update the Element UserData                        

NDUSRXUX - UX - Dump Quick Edit Row Variables                        

The above can be found in the iprfx.iqual.CSIQCLS0 that is delivered with 18.1.  

More information on the Quick Edit User Extensions