How to change CCI connections dynamically without an IPL
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How to change CCI connections dynamically without an IPL


Article ID: 228983


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Is it possible to dynamically disable the VTAM connections,  add new TCPIPGW NODES, and dynamically connect those new TCPIPGW NODES - WITHOUT an IPL?

You are intending to stage the corrected CCCI**** members for the next IPL.


Release : 15.0
Component : CAICCI MVS


New SYSPLEXES were added to the environment and defined incorrectly.  Want to use CCI to propagate the passwords to the new environment.


You can make the changes/corrections dynamically through console commands with no recycle or change the CCI parms and recycle - will be picked up at the next IPL. 

    Two methods to accomplish this:

  1. First use CCI Control Options sent to the console to remove unwanted definitions and add corrections. Does not require a recycle of CCI.

    • To remove:
      • Use the VARY and REMOVE commands to VARY them inactive then REMOVE them  
    • To add:  
      • Use the NODE and CONNECT commands to define the NODES and CONNECT them to the new Sysplexes
  2. The second method is to make the changes to the CCI parms themselves and recycle CCI  


Additional Information

Review the CCI Control Options listed in the r15.0 Common Services documentation