DSKIBMVH generating CBR4196D messages and CBR4171I messages with RSN=45
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DSKIBMVH generating CBR4196D messages and CBR4171I messages with RSN=45


Article ID: 228978


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


We received a bunch of error messages concerning tape volumes when DSKIBMVH ran on our production and test systems.

For example:

STC31965  CBR4171I Mount failed. LVOL=N111111, LIB=MYLIBSP1, PVOL=??????, RSN=45. 

STC31965 *069 CBR4196D Job CAVANT, drive 50D4, volser N11111, error code 140394. Reply 'R' to retry or 'C'

STC31965  CBR4171I Mount failed. LVOL=A22222, LIB=MYLIBSP1, PVOL=??????, RSN=45. 

STC31965 *068 CBR4196D Job CAVANT, drive 50DE, volser A22222, error code 140394. Reply 'R' to retry or 'C'

STC31965  CBR4171I Mount failed. LVOL=A33333, LIB=MYLIBSP1, PVOL=??????, RSN=45. 

STC31965 *067 CBR4196D Job CAVANT, drive 50DD, volser A33333, error code 140394. Reply 'R' to retry or 'C'

When looking at the TMC volume records, the volumes and the associated data sets are seen (i.e., everything looks okay in the TMC). 




The wrong, or incorrectly defined DFSMS MC (Management Class) is being used by Vantage for the VTSMCNAM parameter. 


The CBR4171I message gives RSN=45 (X'45' Failed - Category Empty) which is caused by:

1) A management class that suppresses the copy function to another cluster must be assigned.

2) The wrong DFSMS MGMTCLAS is specified for the VKGPARM parameter 'VTSMCNAM'. 

To resolve this problem specify the correct (or correctly defined) DFSMS MC (Management Class) for the Vantage VKGPARM parameter 'VTSMCNAM='.