Spectrum OneClick Information tab taking a long time to populate
Release : Any
Component : Spectrum OneClick
Possible root causes:
- A network performance issue between the OneClick client and the OneClick server.
- Slow OneClick performance
Check to ensure the network between the client and the OneClick system is not having a latency issue.
Check the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/stdout.log (Windows) or catalina.out (Linux) file for errors.
Run the Console Test from the OneClick Debug Console:
- Log into a OneClick console
- Select Help -> Debug Console from the top level menu
- Click on the Console Test tab
- Click on the Run Test button
The Console Test run three different test:
Test 0 is essentially OneClick's version of a PING and tests tomcat’s ability to respond to client requests (good to see if our poller is deadlocked or tomcat out of request threads).
The Test 1 indicates the time taken to write a piece of data on the stream and transferring back to client by the webserver. The most important thing to consider is the time taken for the data to reach the client from the webserver. This test is purely for identifying the network latency between client and webserver.
Test 2 tests file IO on tomcat. A good test for when tomcat is part of a shared drive or has virus scanning enabled.
The test results will look similar to the following:
End of Test 0. Average time: 17 ms
End of Test 1. Average time: 175 ms
End of Test 2. Average time: 19 ms
If any of these values are high, a couple resolution steps to try are the following:
1. Increase the value of the ModelRepository parameter in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/web.xml file
a. Log into the OneClick system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
b. Make a backup copy of the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/web.xml file
c. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/web.xml file
d. Look for the following:
<context-param xmlns="">
<description>This parameter defines the maximum number of models the Model
Repository will read in a single request to a SpectroSERVER.</description>
e. Change the value from 5000 to 7500
f. Save the change and restart tomcat on the OneClick system
Reference knowledge article "CA Spectrum OneClick client has performance issues and the following shows in the tomcat log: waitForReadTasks timed out" for more information.
2. If you have SSL configured, add javaws.reuseConnections to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/oneclick.jnlp file
a. Log into the OneClick system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
b. Make a backup copy of the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/oneclick.jnlp file
c. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/oneclick.jnlp file
d. Add the following line, immediately below the "<resources>" line:
e. <property name="javaws.reuseConnections" value="true"/>
f. Log out of the OneClick console
g. Download a new copy of the oneclick.jnlp file by logging into the OneClick web page and click on the Start Console link.
Reference the "Troubleshoot Poor OneClick Client Performance" section of the documentation for more details.