The Data Warehouse Incremental Load is pushing wrong values into the START_DATE and FINISH_DATE columns of the DWH_INV_TEAM table. As a result, a mismatch arises between Team Allocation Start and Finish dates shown in Clarity, and those shown in DWH / Advanced Reporting / Reports.
- Login to Clarity.
- Run DWH Full Load.
- Navigate to Home -> Projects -> Team. Modify the start & finish dates for few team records.
- Run the DWH incremental Load.
- Validate DWH_INV_TEAM table on DWH schema and you can find that the Start and Finish dates reflect the values in UI.
- Navigate to the same project used in step 3 and update any other DWH enabled attribute of the project. Ex :- decription field.
- Run the DWH incremental Load.
Expected Results: DWH_INV_TEAM table shows the actual start & finish dates of Team records.
Actual Results: DWH_INV_TEAM table shows the start and finish dates of the investment.