DCS events are not being received from clients until the DCS manager services are restarted
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DCS events are not being received from clients until the DCS manager services are restarted


Article ID: 228781


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced Data Center Security Monitoring Edition Data Center Security Server Critical System Protection


Events are not being populated in the UMC until after the DCS manager services are restarted or the machine is rebooted 


Release : DCS 6.8 MP2



Possible causes: 

1. The SQL server and the DCS manager are on the same server (aka all-in-one install) and as such, the DCS manager services startup before the SQL database is fully initialized, causing a server/database disconnect

2. The size and or condition of the database are questionable, causing the DCS Manager to be unable to commit the events to the database


To avoid issues like this in the future, follow the recommendations below: 

1.  Change the DCS manager service's start type from Automatic to Automatic (Delayed) for all-in-one DCS install

2.  After a database backup is completed, manually shrink the database via SQL Management Studio

        NOTE: This should be done as a regular database maintenance task by your DBA

3. Regularly purge out any old events via the UMC console under the "Settings" tab and adjust retention settings to the lowest allowable setting.

        NOTE: The longer data is retained the larger the database will grow and sometimes become problematic.