How to Perform a Spectrum Non-root Installation on RHEL 7.x/8.x?
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How to Perform a Spectrum Non-root Installation on RHEL 7.x/8.x?


Article ID: 228748


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to Perform a Spectrum Non-root Installation on RHEL 7.x / 8.x? 


Release: 21.2.x, 22.2.x

Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core


1. As the root user:

cd <InstallMedia>/sdic/linux
Create a sradmin.cfg file with the following contents:

Execute the following command:

chmod 644 /etc/shadow

Run the following script and enter "1" when prompted:


Please enter 1 for executing preinstallation steps
or 2 for post installation steps
or 3 for pre upgrade steps
Enter now

Here to execute PreInstallation Steps
Do you want to install SRAdmin in default path of /sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin
Enter Y or N

Please enter sradmin install owner
Please enter sradmin install group

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] to /etc/systemd/system/[email protected].
Setting SRAdmin Install Directory With Needed Permissions
Executing Preinstallation Steps Has Ended

2. As the spectrum user:

cd /<InstallMedia>/sdic/linux
./srainstall.bin -f sradmin.cfg

Now SRAdmin has been installed by the spectrum user.

3. As the root user:

cd <InstallMedia>/sdic/linux
Run the following script and enter "2" when prompted:


Please enter 1 for executing preinstallation steps
or 2 for post installation steps
or 3 for pre upgrade steps
Enter now

Here to execute PostInstallation Steps
SRAdmin home directory /sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin
SRAdmin Install owner spectrum
Stopping the sradmin daemon from unregister_init_sradmin
Created symlink from /home/spectrum/.config/systemd/user/ to /home/spectrum/.config/systemd/user/sradmin.service.
Executing Postinstallation Steps Has Ended

When complete, run the following command where spectrum is the username:

loginctl enable-linger spectrum

4. As the spectrum user:

//spectrum has a UID of 1002

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable --now sradmin
systemctl --user start sradmin

// You should then see the following:

systemctl --user status sradmin
● sradmin.service - LSB: SPECTRUM Remote Administration Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin/; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-11-16 12:57:29 EST; 1min 36s ago
Process: 49571 ExecStart=/bin/bash /sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-1002.slice/[email protected]/sradmin.service
└─49575 /sw/SPECTRUM/SRAdmin/sradmin.exe --start

5. As the root user:

cd <InstallMedia>

Run the following script and enter "1" when prompted:


Please enter 1 for executing preinstallation steps
or 2 for post installation steps
or 3 for pre upgrade steps
Enter now

Here to execute PreInstallation Steps
Do you want to install Spectrum in default path of /usr/Spectrum
Enter Y or N

Please enter Spectrum install owner
Please enter Spectrum install group

Systemctl user configuration is already active
Executing Preinstallation Steps Has Ended

6. As the spectrum user:

cd <InstallMedia>/sdic/linux

//Use distinst to run the Spectrum Installation:

./distinst install_dir=/usr/Spectrum install_owner=spectrum vcd_path=/installMedia/21.2.4/linux/.. main_loc_serv=<SpectroSERVER> remote_host=<SpectroSERVER> locale=en_US install_type=full huge_landscape_handle=no l_handle=4 oc_install=yes ss_install=yes xtn_install=yes

7. As the root user (once the install is complete):

cd <SPECROOT>/Install-Tools

Run the following script and enter "2" when prompted:


Please enter 1 for executing preinstallation steps
or 2 for post installation steps
or 3 for pre upgrade steps
Enter now

SPECROOT folder /usr/Spectrum
Install user spectrum
Installing capki
Stopping the processd daemon from unregister_init_processd
Created symlink from /home/spectrum/.config/systemd/user/ to /home/spectrum/.config/systemd/user/processd.service.
executing sysctl -e -q -p command
Updating the network buffers!!!
Existing wmem_default: 212992
Existing wmem_max: 212992
Existing rmem_default: 212992
Existing rmem_max: 212992
package rsyslog-snmp is not installed
Install the rsyslog-snmp package to get the rsyslog functionality in Spectrum
Executing Postinstallation Steps Has Ended

8. As the spectrum user, run the following to confirm it is the owner of processd:

systemctl --user status processd
● processd.service - LSB: SPECTRUM Processd Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/Spectrum/lib/SDPM/; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-11-17 11:58:10 EST; 8s ago
Process: 116664 ExecStart=/bin/bash /usr/Spectrum/lib/SDPM/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-1002.slice/[email protected]/processd.service
├─116670 /usr/Spectrum/lib/SDPM/processd --start
├─116678 /usr/Spectrum/mysql/bin//mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/Spectrum/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf
├─116680 /usr/Spectrum/bin/JavaApps/bin/nameserv -Xms128m -Xmx256m
├─116684 /usr/Spectrum/bin/JavaApps/bin/telnetd -Xms128m -Xmx256m com.aprisma.spectrum.telnetd.Telnetd
├─116685 /usr/Spectrum/bin/serviceDaemon -f /usr/Spectrum/tomcat/bin/tomcat_serviced.conf
├─116686 /usr/Spectrum/bin/serviceDaemon -f /usr/Spectrum/webtomcat/bin/webtomcat_serviced.conf
├─116691 /usr/Spectrum/LS/LocServer
├─116694 /usr/Spectrum/bin/JavaApps/bin/ncmservice -Xms256M -Xmx1024M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOf...
├─116772 /usr/Spectrum/Java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/Spectrum/tomcat/conf/logging.propertie...
├─116797 /bin/sh /usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/Spectrum/Java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/Spectrum/web...
├─116833 Xvfb :99 -screen 0 640x480x8 -nolisten tcp
├─118635 /usr/Spectrum/Java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/Spectrum/webtomcat/conf/logging.proper...
└─118662 /usr/Spectrum/influx/influxd --config /usr/Spectrum/influx/influxdb_spectrum.conf

9. You can now start the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager.

Additional Information

Please also see the below knowledge article which will resolve a service restart issues after the system is rebooted:

How to configure Spectrum 21.2.4 non-root installation to have sradmin and processd services automatically start after system reboot