uniexp xml file does not have a final end of line
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uniexp xml file does not have a final end of line


Article ID: 228731


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


The command uniexp (available in du_upgrade_toolkit until 6.10.21 and UVMS binaries since version 6.10.01) when used to export some objects into a XML file, generates a file that does not have a final end of line character.

This may cause some issues with commands like cat / ed or other when used to display/edit the xml file, as seen below:

Launch a export of an object into a xml using uniexp:

uniexp -mshost UVMS_HOSTNAME -msport 4184 -login admin -pwd XXX -company COMPANY -area X -NODE -upr "*" -file /tmp/uprocs.xml

a. Either do a tail -1 file on the file or open it with a visual text editor such as notepadd and note that the last line is missing a LF:

tail -1 /tmp/uprocs.xml
</object-stream>[root@server bin]#

b. When using a line editor such as ed you will see a message stating that it had to add a final line to the xml file because of that:

ed /tmp/uprocs.xml
Newline appended


Release : 6.10

Component : Univiewer Management Server and du_upgrade_toolkit

Command impacted: uniexp


XML format does not require end of line characters or end of file character as it's not a POSIX format.


Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version(s): 
Component: Univiewer.Management.Server
Dollar Universe 6.10.91 - Available

Additional Information

A modification was done in uniexp to add a final /n in the generated XML file to avoid such issues with text editors.