Can you host Data Center Security management servers on Amazon Web Services?
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Can you host Data Center Security management servers on Amazon Web Services?


Article ID: 228679


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced Data Center Security Server Data Center Security Monitoring Edition Critical System Protection


You would like to host your Data Center Security server infrastructure on Amazon Web Services and use the Amazon RDS for your database backend


Data Center Security management servers can be hosted on external services like AWS.

  • Configure your Amazon Relational Database instance as a Microsoft SQL Server with sufficient space/resources as outlined in the DCS deployment guide
  • Configure the virtual machines hosting your DCS management server as Microsoft Servers.  Ensure the machines have sufficient resources per the deployment guide
  • Your network must be configured to allow your agents to be able to reach their management servers and for your management servers to be able to communicate with the database.  Verify that your firewalls have been properly configured per the DCS deployment guide to allow this traffic per this knowledgebase article