How to reassign a Librarian CCF Work Order from one programmer to another
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How to reassign a Librarian CCF Work Order from one programmer to another


Article ID: 228467


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One of our programmers is trying to get another WO from a programmer using option 4 - LOGOUT and receive the CCF006AW error.

After processing the job on option 11 - Job Status, check again and the error stills.

Is there a way that the programmer can get the other programmer's WO?



Release :    z/OS  4.4      z/VSE 4.1

Component : Librarian


Go to 12  ADMIN SERVICES    and then  9  REASSIGN


  REQUEST ID ===>   is the Work Order in question ***

Enter the programmer id's  in the From PROGRAMMER ===>      and the  REASSIGN TO PROGRAMMER ===>  fields

and the Manager's ID if needed. 


*** CAUTION:    If the Request ID is left blank,  ALL  WO's will be reassigned.