When attempting to install iPXE add-ons from the GSS install wizard, one or both of the add-ons fail to install with errors similar to:
Failed to install iPXE Addon for PXE Server
Windows Server
Ensure that you are logged in to the Ghost Solution Suite server with the service account you intend to use or are using for GSS (must be a local or domain admin).
Ensure that UAC is set all the way down and antivirus is disabled. Ensure iPXE prerequisites are installed on the server.
Open a command prompt as the administrator.
Navigate to the DSSetup folder located on the root of the C:\ drive by default.
Run (from command prompt) the GSSServeriPXEAddon.msi and follow the installation wizard.
If successful, then run (from the command prompt) PXEServeriPXEAddon.msi following the installation wizard.
If all prerequisites are met and the installation still fails then contact Broadcom Support.