Add/Change ADMIN ID in CA Bundl
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Add/Change ADMIN ID in CA Bundl


Article ID: 228370


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Our previous CA BUNDL administrator has left the company and I need to make myself the ADMIN.  I've looked at the documentation, but I don't know how to add myself as an ADMIN and remove the old ADMIN userid.


Release : 5.0

Component : Bundl


To Add/Change the CA Bundl ADMIN ID you would:

- Log on to Bundl via an ADMINISTRATIVE program in order to see the Administration menu

The ADMINISTRATIVE logon programs are as follows:

CICS interface - program=DPMOB50A (admin)
VTAM interface - program=BUNADMN  (admin)
ISPF interface - program=DPMOATSO (admin)

- Select option 4 (System Options) from the Administration menu on the right
- Then select option 3 (Security Options) from the CA-BUNDL: System Options Menu 
- Change the MASTER ID on the resulting CA-BUNDL: Security Options Screen


 -- EDIT   ----------- CA-BUNDL: Security Options Screen -----------------------
 Command ==>                                                                    

   MASTER   Master                                                              
    ADMIN:    User ID    => yourid    <- Access to all administration functions 

- Then LOGOFF and LOGON to CA Bundl again to confirm the change was made.