We had a rule in OPSMVS to shut down production system. We were able to delete the rule so that it was no longer in the TOD rules. But the rule still took effect, despite being deleted, at the original start time. Why did this happen and how do we resolve it?
Release : 14.0
Component : OPS/MVS
The rule remains in storage until it is either disabled, or until OPS/MVS is cycled / bounced.
When a rule is deleted from the rule dataset, it will still remain in storage unless it was disabled first. When the system was shutdown and restarted, the rule was in effect deleted out of storage, which in this case resolved the situation.
To verify that the rule remains in storage, review the AOF Instorage panel (=4.5.3) and ensure that it no longer remains for any LPARs.
When getting rid of a rule, the rule must first be disabled on ALL LPARs where it might run, and then the rule can be deleted / removed from the ruleset. If a rule is enabled somewhere, it cannot be deleted via OPS/MVS.