When Event is already present in Job Events list in status Running,
starting new Non Simultaneous occurrence will set new uproc to event wait status and removing Job Event won't unblock uproc.
Release : 6.10
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version(s):
Component: Application.Server
Dollar Universe 6.10.91 - Available
Steps to reproduce
In Job Events:
Create New event for uproc
change Uproc state to Running
Save and close
In Job Runs:
Run Uproc
uproc will stay in event wait
in history trace :
Incompatibili Cond. 001 Prop. 01 :
Inco. :
-0000000 UPROC_NAME
***Task launch refused ***
Deleting manually created event won't let run newly added occurrence.
History trace will remain the same