Finding Brocade product(s) serial numbers
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Finding Brocade product(s) serial numbers


Article ID: 228191


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Support Portal


This article will answer the most common way to find a Brocade product serial numbers for those products that run FOS as well as SANnav.


How to identify the correct Serial Number of a FOS product from command line.

Brocade Article Id: 11076

Description: This article will discuss how to locate and find the correct Serial Number of a FOS switch or director via the command line using chassisshow.


The Serial Number is found by running the command chassisshow.

For switches that do not have redundant CPs (non-director class), the serial number is will be listed as follows under the CHASSIS/WWN Unit 1.

Header Version:           2

Factory Part Num:         10-1010101-01

Factory Serial Num:       XXX1111X00X

For 8510 directors, scroll down to the WWN Unit: 1 (the #1 WWN card, shown below).
Factory Serial Num under WWN Unit: 1 is the serial number used to identify 8510 directors.

WWN Unit: 1

Header Version:            2

Power Consume Factor:      -1

Factory Part Num:          01-0101010-10

Factory Serial Num:        XXX1010X101

Manufacture:               Day: 25 Month: 10 Year: 2011

Update:                    Day: 22 Month: 5 Year: 2012

Time Alive:                104 days

Time Awake:                0 days

ID:                        XXX0000XX

Part Num:                  XXXXXX0000DCX

For X6 or X7 directors, scroll to the bottom and look for Chassis Factory Serial Num.
Chassis Factory Serial Num is the serial number used to identify X6 or X7 directors. 

Chassis Factory Serial Num: XXX1010X101


How to acquire SANnav serial number and license.

Brocade Article Id: 14122

Description: This document describes how to acquire the SANnav serial number and license information.


SANNav Serial and License

In the GUI, click SANnav >> Services >> SANnav Licensing

Serial number is shown in the Serial # Column and a row can be selected to show the serial and license key.