The application is transaction-centric and all units and costs actuals are created in the system through transaction entry records from timesheets, XOG or Transaction Entry Vouchers. The user is allowed to enter a Transaction Entry for a specific date. The entry can be a negative value for ANY VALUE of units, rates, and costs. When the Voucher Transaction Entry is posted to WIP, a record is created in the PAC_IMP_ACTUALEXPORT table with the correct values. When the 'Import Financial Actuals' job executes the entry is processed and if no errors are encountered the record is removed from the table. This is a problem when the transaction entry is a NEGATIVE value and the value is GREATER than the positive actual values that already exist in the project for that transaction date, resource, task combination. The record is processed by negating only the amount that a positive value already exists and no error message or information message is returned to the table. The record is removed. This leaves the project actual units to only go down to zero and thus be out of sync with the total amount in WIP.
Steps to Reproduce:
Expected Result: The application should report that the transactional data was not completely applied to the project because there was no matching transaction to offset the value.
Actual Result: No Error messages are reported, the record is removed from the table, and the financial data is out-of-sync with the overall Project actuals.
The Project Actual Units does not allow a negative quantity. Therefore, when the original transaction is posted into the project it sets the amount to zero. Then any subsequent adjustments or reversals for that negative amount on the WIP side will cause the posting back to the project to increase the units.
The application is working within the current design.
At this time, due to the current design, there is no way to synchronize the data between the project and WIP data. On synchronized transactions, the end-user must ensure that the incoming data on a Transaction Entry will have existing positive values on the project greater or equal to the Transaction Entry for a negative value. (compare using absolute values: for example - the project should have a minimum value of +10 on a specific date if the new Transaction Entry has a value of -10).
Below are recommendations on how to perform adjustments properly in the future. Performing these actions on the data already out of sync will not balance the amounts.
Recommended Method for quantity adjustments:
Typically, you can simply adjust the existing source transactions from Timesheets down to zero and process the transaction into WIP. Alternatively, you can create a WIP Adjustment on the existing WIP record down to zero and this would allow for correct adjustments.
Steps to make new transactions to negate/offset matching existing transactions:
The steps below are for creating a new voucher transaction entry to offset the existing WIP records so that both the original and the offset transactions are current records shown in the application. When using this method, you have to ensure that you find the existing transactions and enter the new transaction with the same specific details on the transactions, entering amounts that would total no less than zero.