The script errors due to dradmin user home directory
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The script errors due to dradmin user home directory


Article ID: 228164


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Running fails with this error.

>> Creating or validating DB Admin user/group...
Failed on hosts (1): <Node_IP_Address>
    Provided DB Admin account details: user = dradmin, group = verticadba, home = /export/dradmin
    Creating group... Group already exists
    Validating group... Okay
    Creating user... User already exists
    Validating user...
    Fail : User's home directory is incorrect: '/home/dradmin'
    Hint : Compare to provided DB Admin details, above.
    Help :

The is failing during a DX NetOps Performance Management Data Repository Vertica install.

The is failing during a DX NetOps Performance Management Data Repository Vertica upgrade.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


The (default path) /opt/CA/IMDataRepository_vertica<version>/ file DbAdminLinuxUserHome variable value is not set correctly.


Determine the dradmin user's home directory. Set the DbAdminLinuxUserHome variable to the correct home path for the dradmin user in the (default path) /opt/CA/IMDataRepository_vertica<version>/ file.

To determine a user's home path:

  1. Log into the terminal CLI as the target user.
    $ su - dradmin
  2. Run the following command to navigate to the user's home directory.
    • cd ~
      $ cd ~

  3. Run the following command to display the current working directory:
    • pwd
      $ pwd
      (Note: This output is just an example, you may get a different output)

  4. Set that value as the DbAdminLinuxUserHome variable value. 
    • Edit the /opt/CA/IMDataRepository_verticaxx/ file (Note: This is just an example, you may have installed in a different path)
    • And update the DbAdminLinuxUserHome parameter:
      • DbAdminLinuxUserHome=/export/dradmin (Note: This is just an example, you may have a different user's home directory)