Silent Agent install fails with error FATAL ERROR - class cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException FatalInstallException: JVM_PATH installer property is invalid. JRE 1.8 64-bit or later is required.
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Silent Agent install fails with error FATAL ERROR - class cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException FatalInstallException: JVM_PATH installer property is invalid. JRE 1.8 64-bit or later is required.


Article ID: 228148


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys)


Customer is trying to do a silent install of Autosys Agent on Solaris, with custom JRE location and gets an error


Custom Action:            cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybzLinuxJREVersionCheck
                          Status: SUCCESSFUL
Custom Action:            cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException
                          Status: FATAL ERROR
                          Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR -     class cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException FatalInstallException: JVM_PATH installer property is invalid. JRE 1.8 64-bit or later is required.

====================STDERR ENTRIES==================


JRE version 1.8 64-bit or later is required.

Execute Custom Code
    class cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException FatalInstallException JVM_PATH installer property is invalid. JRE 1.8 64-bit or later is required.


Release : 12.0

Component :


correct JRE and Java locations are not specified in the silent install properties file


Below is the explanation for the two Java related variables that are required in silent properties file


#                                                               #
#               JVM location directory                          #
#        On platforms where it is optional, default will be to  #
#        install a bundled JRE                                  #
#                                                               #
#       For zLinux (Required):                                  #
#             JVM_DOT                                           #
#             JVM_PATH                                          #
#                                                               #
#       For Linux PPC 64 and PPCLE 64 (Required):               #
#             JVM_DOT                                           #
#             JVM_PATH                                          #
#                                                               #
#       For HP NonStop (Required):                              #
#             JVM_DOT                                           #
#                                                               #
#       For Solaris x86 and Solaris SPARC (Required):           #
#             JVM_DOT                                           #
#             JVM_PATH                                          #
#                                                               #
#       For Linux-x86, AIX, HPUX-IA (Optional):                 #
#             JVM_DOT                                           #
#             JVM_PATH                                          #
#                                                               #
# JVM_DOT=<Absolute path to a pre-installed JRE location>       #
# JVM_PATH=<Absolute path to the JRE's JAVA VM executable>      #
#                                                               #
# Example:                                                      #
# JVM_DOT=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0/jre                                #
# JVM_PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0/jre/bin/java                      #


set the values (in the silent properties file) to custom java location and re-run installer. Example:
