Portal 5.02 GW 10 CR4 with latest portal integration .
When doing a copy and past for a existing Gateway published api in policymanager there is a issue with the task sync portal published api.
The current gateway publised API in portal will become the copy and there is no new API created .
Example if you have a API called MyAPI in portal and you copy and past it to MYAPI-NEW the api in portal becomes MYAPI-NEW instead of adding a new API called MYAPI-NEW.
Release : 5.0.2
Component : API PORTAL
Gateway 10 CR4 with latest portal integration . UTC.20210430.1200.00
One part of the problem is :
During the copy / past the new API does not get a new APIID so there two API with the same API ID. but even if you update the API-ID before the next sync it still does not work , the API in portal gets the new APIID but the original API is still gone and no new API is created. in Portal
Workaround to get the old API back on portal .
Set the original service to disabled in API gateway , wait for next run of task "sync gateway published api."
Set the original service to enabled again and it should show up in portal again with the next run .